The CAFBLC engages with leaders in multiple countries across the globe. We have relationships with international kings, political leaders, business owners and other influential people. Our goal is bringing those entities together through conferences, events and partnerships. Our work has been recognized as a valuable asset to the White House initiatives for faith based work. We have brought our honored guests to attend annual White House sponsored meetings highlighting our honorees and distinguished guest.
This year our conference will be held at in conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus events in September. The CBC brings thousands of attendees from around the world together to enlighten, educate and engage each other. It is also an opportunity for companies to get exposure to a professional, upscale group of attendees who are looking to do business.

We are looking for businesses, corporations and organizations who are interested in supporting our mission to bring nations together. Your support will not only help achieve our goals, it will also help you share your business with our audience. If you are looking to reach our demographic or want to support our mission (or both), please take a look at our proposed support opportunities and contact us to get signed up. The opportunities are limited but the reward is tremendous.
In Person
​601 13th Street, NW, Suite 900 South | Washington, DC | 20005
Over the Phone
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